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In my childhood, Sunday brunches and family gatherings wouldn’t be complete without a jar of my grandmother’s delicious jumări—crispy, flavour-packed pork cracklings. These crunchy bites, carefully prepared and stored in jars, were a staple in her kitchen. She made sure we always had some on hand to enjoy as a hearty snack, or to serve alongside fresh bread and thinly sliced red onion for our Sunday brunches. Whether it was a cold winter morning or a special family occasion, jumări added that extra touch of warmth and tradition to our meals, bringing everyone together around the table with their irresistible flavour and crunch.

The time and love my grandmother put into making these treats made them even more special, and to this day, they remain a cherished part of our family’s food traditions.

Enjoy this crunchy, flavour-packed Romanian snack that was often a special treat during the colder months in traditional households.

Traditional Romanian Pork Crackle (Jumări) - Romanian Delights recipe
Traditional Romanian Pork Crackle (Jumări) - Romanian Delights recipe

Traditional Romanian Pork Crackle (Jumări) – Romanian Delights recipe



  • 1 kg pork fat with skin ideally from the belly or back
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • Optional: black pepper or paprika for seasoning



  • Prepare the pork fat: Cut the pork fat with the skin into small, even cubes, about 2-3 cm in size. Make sure the skin is attached to some pieces, as it adds extra crunch.
  • Start rendering the fat: Place the cubed pork fat in a large, heavy-bottomed pan or cast-iron skillet. Pour the cold water over the pork fat to help prevent burning at the start of the cooking process.
  • Cook the pork fat: Heat the pan over medium heat. Stir occasionally, allowing the fat to render slowly. As the water evaporates and the fat melts, the pieces of pork will shrink and begin to turn golden brown.
  • Fry until crispy: Once the fat has mostly rendered and the pieces of pork are golden and crispy, remove the pan from the heat. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the crispy pork cracklings (jumări) to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess fat.
  • Season: While the cracklings are still hot, sprinkle with salt. For an extra flavor boost, you can add a pinch of black pepper or paprika if desired.
  • Serve: Jumări can be eaten as a snack on its own, served with bread, or as part of a traditional Romanian meal, often paired with a shot of țuică (Romanian plum brandy). They can also be used in various traditional dishes or as a crunchy topping for other meals.

Tip: The rendered pork fat left in the pan can be strained and stored as lard, perfect for cooking and baking!